Disciplinary Council

  • The President Dr. Saydeh SASSINE
  • Dr. Ali MRAD
  • Dr. Roger ZIADE
  • Dr. Charbel ZGHEIB
  • Dr. Elie DAHDAH

The Disciplinary council gathers upon the request of the President to discuss issues related to physiotherapists suspected of breaching the General Assembly decisions or the common and moral interests of LOPT members.

Members of the Disciplinary council abide by the principle of goodwill and maintain a friendly approach with colleagues while remaining strict in handling professional and ethical issues that are risen by the President or after the submission of an official claim at LOPT.

For any suspected breach or ethical dilemma, LOPT members are encouraged to contact the President directly or by sending a written claim to the Order. Claims can be submitted by working or retired physiotherapists, by beneficiaries, third party payers or even by other health professionals.

After serious investigations and discussions, the Disciplinary council can emit verbal or written warnings and can even decide to suspend the membership in case of major breaches.

Since its deliberations are confidential, LOPT only declares decisions taken by the Disciplinary council to control breaches.
